Supporting Technical Staff to Gain Fellowship of Advance HE
Hosted by the NTDC and HEaTED, Helen Hooper (Northumbria University, Advance HE) joined us to explore the application process for fellowships, for technicians.
In order to dispel some commonly held misconceptions about who should/can apply for external professional recognition from Advance HE (AHE), the session started with some myth-busting and explain what Fellowship of AHE is and how/why fellowship is relevant for any technician who teaches OR supports student learning. A main focus of the session was to review the difference between the 4 different descriptors (or ‘types’ of Fellowship) alongside the criteria described within the Professional Standards Framework that a fellowship application has to satisfy.
Examples of practice drawn from typical technical activities that could form the basis of a fellowship application will be discussed- and you will have the opportunity to discuss possible examples from your own practice/ share ideas with colleagues.
At the end of the session you should [i] appreciate the benefits of gaining professional recognition from AHE [ii] know which Descriptor fits your role/ practice and [iii] understand how to progress an application
PSF Dimensions of practice addressed by attending the session:
A5 Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/ disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices
V1, V2 respect individual learners and diverse learning communities and promote participation in HE and equality of opportunity
V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice
Advance HE main web page:
Overview of Fellowship of Professional Standards UKPSF 2011 and supporting resources:
Advance HE online fellowship tool for PSF 2011:
Advance HE online fellowship tool for PSF 2023:
Advance HE resources for staff in learning support roles (written against UKPSF2011):