Job searching is often regarded as a laborious task by many candidates, including people in the technical workforce, who simply do not have the time to search an array of websites and platforms to find opportunities, and deciding whether to make an application based on the available information.
Our offer to candidates: we screen a selection of the latest technician job adverts to provide candidates with an overview of essential key requirements of the post, to help reduce job search time and aid quick application decision-making.
Our offer to recruiters and employers: an opportunity for recruiters and employers to advertise technical jobs on our website to reach over 10,000 technicians in the HEaTED network at UK higher education. All adverts with HEaTED will have a company logo and will remain on our website until the closing date or up to 8 weeks.
Our offer to our members: HEaTED are offering a CV and personal statement analysis service for all technicians in our member organisations.
Job Advertisements with HEaTED Jobs

We offer our members the chance to advertise technical vacancies on our website and have adverts circulated in our nationwide newsletter and communications.
Have a technical vacancy you want to promote? Take a look at our job board packages to see your options, or get in touch with us at!