Consultancy and Facilitation Services

The team at HEaTED offer a consultancy and facilitation service as an exclusive member benefit. Open to technical staff in member organisations, the service is a consultancy to help individuals and organisations bridge the technical management and leadership gap.

If you are interested in our services, contact us at and let us know how we can help.

Find out more:

Service description

Our consultants have a wealth of Higher Education technical services expertise, experience and professional standing, who work collaboratively to strengthen capability, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your technical services. We make it easy for you and your team to overcome challenges, adapt to changing situations and build capability. 

The consultation and facilitation service generally range from a single day to a couple of weeks of activities with client, which can be delivered onsite and or online, as and when required. We work with individuals, teams and organisations to discover, design, analyse and deliver tailor-made solutions to meet specific needs that create valuable outcomes.

Areas of expertise

Examples of previous consultancy work


“After signing up to the Technician Commitment we decided to run an event for all technical staff in the University and approached HEaTED for guidance. We are very grateful to Suhel Miah who, drawing on his expert experience, helped us to plan and deliver our first ever Technical Forum. It was an upbeat and energising afternoon with Suhel facilitating two of the sessions. We were thrilled with the level of engagement and participation and now we’re looking forward to running a follow up by ourselves. It’s reassuring to know that Suhel and his team will be there if we need further expert advice –thank you HEaTED!”

Mary Mackenzie, Technical Manager, Roehampton University

Enquiry form